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August 16, 2007


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The Adventurist

Hey Jake,

You definately make a strong claim. You have taken my own suspicions up a notch. I think it will always come back to proof though--and it may be something that will just never be known

phil summers

Dear Jake,
I find these photo's and the zoom function to be very revealing and useful indeed.
Arguably the best imagery and of assistance to resolving the Odell dilemma since good images of the arete' apppeared in the '90's. Good show
The second photo especially, reveals much of the notch or gully beyond the 2nd step and attempted by Wyn and Wager in '33.
On Friday I spent some time studying this terrain and can now see why they were thwarted, so no back door there I don't think.

As for Odell, I prefer a scientific process of elimination.
Vis a vis the 1st step, we must ask, what can be climbed in 10 mins (or so) consistant with the terrain.
I'm of the view, M&I adhered to the ridge and thus frontally climbed onto the step's 'snout' rather than the right flank modern route.
There is a snow patch on the
tip of the snout but its unlikely one can climb from there and directly up onto the apex of the 1st step in only a few minutes (10 at most).
The right flank route has a bigger snow patch, but again it takes a while to climb up to the right flank of the step and one still isn't on the top- merely mid way where one then continues on under 'the wall' of the ridge crest itself.
Speaking to climbers who have been up there, this rigth flank route is at least 10-12metres high and times can takes as long as 20 mins up this section to the mid point of the step.
Thus I doubt M&I were there when Odell saw them.

The 2nd is more likely, as its possible the clouds parted as M&I were on that midway snowpatch and at 12.50pm the sun would be near the zenith and thus few impinging shadows.
So once up the mid section snow there is only the 4m crux to climb and I'm of the view that Mallory would utilise that left crack feature to gain it, espcially if Irvine helped.
I've often wondered about the edges of the crack and the utility of Mallory's nailed boots, to 'twist and lock' to aid him up the crack and to the platform above.
There is a 'cubical' rock at its base that would make a good launch pad and I've often thought thats how I'd try it.
Thus I subscribe to the 2nd step.
The 3rd can be bypassed and would see quite high climb rates if they were there at 12.50pm, seems unlikely, even though some say its a better fit of the time/terrain profile.

Many thanks for airing these
very good images and zoom function, I had a very pleasant hour on Friday, studying this terrain and the wealth of detail .
Best imagery in many years and of this terrain now and the best show in town (well in Hobart at least) for me.

Well done.

flash games collection

Hey Jake,

You definately make a strong claim. You have taken my own suspicions up a notch. I think it will always come back to proof though--and it may be something that will just never be known

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